
The constitution contemplates membership in four categories. Provision is made for membership to be granted based on expertise and experience in the field of Construction Project Management and for practising Project Managers who have attained certain academic standards.


  • Access to cutting edge Project Management Practises
  • Participate and influence the direction of the Profession
  • Commercial and peer recognition of expertise
  • Exposure to the latest developments in the Profession
  • Consistent and high standards of service delivery to the end-user.
  • Enhanced professional status
  • Membership recognised by SACPCMP for registration purposes
  • Full Corporate Member
    12 months
    Package price
    R 6,845

    This membership is for corporates engaged in professional project management. Such corporates may apply for FULL CORPORATE membership provided that at least 50% of the principals and or directors are full members and such 50% comprises of at least two (2) or more full members registered with SACPCMP.

  • Associate Corporate Member
    12 months
    Package price
    R 3,387

    This is membership for corporates engaged in professional project management. Such corporates may apply for ASSOCIATE CORPORATE membership provided that one principal and or director is a full member and that such member is registered with the SACPCMP. 

    Rules for the category "Corporate Member"

    A Corporate Member must:

    1. be a registered company, close corporation, partnership or division thereof whose main business purpose is the provision of professional Construction Project Management services(a practising entity); and
    2. have submitted its company/partnership profile or brochure and details of at least three recent project assignments in which the practising entity or it's Principals has provided professional Construction Project Management services encompassing the minimum Scope of Services published by the ACPM. Client references must be supplied together with reasonable proof of the nature of the services provided; and
    3. have a minimum of 2 Principals; and
    4. have at least 50% by number with a minimum of 2 of the practising entity's Principals being Full Members of ACPM; and
    5. have signed a declaration to abide by the Code of Professional Conduct for Corporate Members of the ACPM; and
    6. have been accepted by Exco as a Corporate Member; and
    7. not use the ACPM logo on any stationery other than that officially representing the authorized practicing entity only.